What Agrii offers

Two apps in one!

Online Farmer’s Market

-Want to buy fresh local produce directly from the farmer? Shop the Agrii Produce Market & buy local today!

-Are you a farmer, food producer, or just a person with a fruit tree in their yard? Sell your produce and other goods on the market.

Garden Rentals

-Don’t have a yard? Rent a plot from a host in your community and start your dream garden today!

-Have an empty garden plot? Make passive income by renting out a plot to an aspiring gardener in your community!

The Result

A world where every community thrives on the bounty of its own land. The age of 2,000 mile salads is over. Sustainable, local, food sources and garden space are just a click away- ultimately enhancing food security and accessibility for all.

“We must plant the seeds of change, and nurture them daily through our actions and choices."

— Kari Martinez